Songs to Awake to

This post is going to focus on a single song, by a single artist. As I'm sure most of you have noticed, it is the pictured gentleman, Leonard Cohen. The song comes from his album 'Songs of Love and Hate' and is called 'Famous Blue Raincoat'.
The reason for writing about this song will be divulged in due course and may seem a little
trite but sod you its my blog.
A few month or so ago I woke up on the morning that I was to say goodbye to my girlfriend
before she departed. I will spare you the details as 1 you probably don't want to know and 2 it would sully the moment for me. Anyway, we awoke in the same room and as I went to take a shower a song was floating round in my head, bobbing in and out of realisation. A song I knew well but I was stuck in one of those moments when you can't for the life of you remember the artist's name or the song title. Until it came to me all of a sudden. At this point I am normally quite smug with myself and tell somebody at random that I remembered the title/artist. However this time it stuck with me and as I stepped back into my room, where she was still laying in bed, I quickly found the song from my collection and played it.
Maybe my whole dreamscape had been working on the problem the whole night but wow did it come up with an answer. What song would be perfect to add that exclamation mark to the
whole affair? Like a signpost, I had been left with a signal as to the direction, had followed and been duely rewarded. I was concerned she wouldn't grasp the concept. That this was it. To listen to this song would forever remind oneself of this moment, but she did. The song finished in silence and we left. Sincerely L.Cohen