Yes it has been a while since I wrote on these pages. No, I haven't been overly engrossed in my work.
Yes, now is certainly the time to gain some re-enthusiasm for writing posts.
I would lie my lack of posts at the feet of a paucity of photos to exhibit. However once again delving into my growing arhive I have still managed to dig out some interesting shots. My iPhoto collection seems to be increasingly full of the usual gurning/drunk faces. I suppose being a student it is almost inevitable, especially with the advent of that great sin, the digital camera meaning no drunken night out is safe from some git with a camera. There are only so many times I can pose with a pint glass and a stupid look on my face! Intriguing as these photos will be in years to come, give me 1/10 of the quantity and I'll give you 20 times the quality any day.
I must get out the old analogue snapper some day soon. I still don't lend much cop to these new fangled jobs. I am sure that's due to my poor use of them but I kind of liked the idea that you really have no idea what would come out with film and it would often suprise and confound in equal measures. I don't claim to be a good technical photographer, in fact I'm a dreadful technical photgrapher and almost stumbled upon cool images by mistake perhaps in spite of my efforts. I have often thought while taking a picture that "this one will be great", sometimes it is. Most of the time it's either medicore or just downright poor. That is the fun of it for me. I believe if I knew what I was doing then getting what I wanted from the camera would be extremely boring. I would rather be suprised by the odd shot in between vast numbers of rolls of film than a whole roll of great shots which I knew were coming. Believe me I have taken some awful rolls of film in my life.
So with that reminiscent rant over, we can return to what I have essentially just critisced on two points. First the picture above is taken with a digital camera and secondly it is in essence one of those drunken shots I was talking about (level of inebriation unknown). However the one thing this shot does have for me is a slight weird quality provided by the off kilter wallpaper. This simply adds to the look of Joe, convincing you that he was drunk. Well I'm here to tell you that he in fact wasn't. Ha, you see it's all in the wallpaper.
This type of photo has become a regular occurence in my shots. Bored with the stuff coming out of usual eye-viewfinder-head arrangement I often shoot things from the hip or wherever ala
Walker Evans' Subway Shots to try and inject a bit of inspiration. Most of the time you just seem to end up with peoples elbows and the like but the odd one's at least interesting. Well done to the wallpaper. Interesting.