Thursday, October 06, 2005

A History Of Conjuctivitis

I'm still here. Just don't have much to say at the moment. Last post must have taken it out of me. I will be going to Greece next Tuesday so don't expect much correspondence for the next 2 weeks or so. Although hopefully I will have some cool new stuff to show on my return.

This here image is another photoshop special. Very different from the usual block colour individuals that normally come out the other end. The original image was a picture of my eye from when I had conjuctivitis upon return from Mexico, blood shot eye pictured. This is the sort of image I would really like to make an A1 print out of or really large and put on my wall to really freak people out when seeing my room for the first time. The collage I have up at the moment gets the odd odd glance.

I went to see the latest Cronenburg film today. Very dissappointing! As I am sure you have all read in the reviews the main character foils a robbery and supposedly unveils a deep hidden ponchnace for violence. Cue some cool Cronenburg type weirdness hopefully avoiding all likeness to "The Long Kiss Goodnight" in which the secret identity of the protagonist is unveiled as much as anything is really revealed in Cronenburg films. Or so you would think. Sadly the alter ego is all too predictable and I sat waiting for something of interest to happen, to veer of and make this something other than another hollywood schlock production. However no, it just ended. Ed Harris turns up and does his impression of Tommy Lee Jones in Men In Black, shades and all. On the good side the very necessary long beginning of familial bliss was unusually schmaltz free and even the inevitable wimp trod upon son at his wise cracking best fails to make the teeth grind. Viggo "did anybody watch Hidalgo, Lord of the Oscars" Mortenson starred and managed to make me dislike him as much as before, so well done to him. Shame about the story. After the pretty bad Existenz, where for art thou Cronenburg?


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